Wednesday, 6 February 2013

39 Great Reasons Why You Should Use Email Autoresponders

Get An Email Autoresponder.

That's traditional advice whenever you launch a website, publish a blog, sell an ebook, or begin any kind of online venture.  And that's because the money is in the list - so the sooner you start building one, the better.

While that's a good reason in itself, there are 38 others to get an email autoresponder, and we'll talk about them in this article.

I've been using email autoresponders since 1997.  They have been an integral part of my online success - to sell info-products, gain blog readers, and manage my non-profit work. 

What Exactly Is An Email Autoresponder?

An email autoresponder is a script or computer program that runs on a Web server and allows you to send out emails to a list of email addresses (ranging from 1 to 100,000 or more). 

  • You add email addresses to the list through an online subscription form. 
  • You pre-load email messages to go out to this list of addresses on a schedule.
  • You decide the interval between each message in the series. 

And that's it.  Your email autoresponder takes over.  It automatically sends out emails on the timetable you scheduled - without you having to do a thing!

Here's why you should include email autoresponders in your online process right away.


1. Email autoresponders help you build a targeted list

The chance of your website visitors coming back often is slim - unless you remind them.  Invite them back.  Entice them to visit again.  That's where your email autoresponder can help.  By signing up leads or prospects to your email list, you can reach out to them as often as you like.


2. Email autoresponders let you automatically follow up with your list

When was the last time you stepped into a bar, or walked into a park, or ran across a stranger on the street - and instantly became best friends, trusted each other with your lives, and continued in a perfect relationship for years and years?  Relationships take time to nurture, grow and deepen.  Email autoresponders give you a chance to develop a relationship with your new leads, prospects and subscribers. 

3. Email autoresponders help you win the battle for attention

Everyone reads email, even in this era of scattered attention and diminishing spare time.  In fact, the #1 reason most people log on to the Web is to check on email.  And with email autoresponders, you can reach your audience where they already are paying attention - in their email inbox. 

There are 36 more excellent reasons in this post at "Email Marketing Made Easy" titled - "39 Reasons To Use Email Autoresponders"... you can read it here.